Below are the bags available. To order, click on the link to the right that says register.
Note: The logo that will be on all of the bags is shown at the bottom of this page.
Bag Info and images
Superpack Mini
This is a smaller version of the superpack - ideal for most players 11u and younger who are not catchers.
To see a full description of this bag on the Boombah site click here.
This bag is BIG! Its great for a player who will need to carry multiple gloves, shoes, etc.
To see a full description of this bag on the Boombah site click here.
Catcher's Rolling
This is a roller bag (no backpack straps). Perfect for catchers as it has space on the outside for shin guards and plenty of interior space for all the rest of the gear.
To see a full description of this bag on the Boombah site click here.
Beast Rolling Bat Bag
This bag is big and only a roller bag. Is great for players who need to carry a lot of equipment or even who want to use it to pack non-baseball items on weekends trips.
To see a full description of this bag on the Boombah site click here.
Catcher's Superpack Hybrid
Similar to the Catchers rolling Superpack but it also has backpack straps so you can carry it or roll it.
To see the full description of this bag on the Boombah site click here
Duffle Bag
This is a regular duffle bag which can be used to carry anything. It's great to take along on overnight baseball trips.
Gothams Logo that will be on all the bags
The logo that will show on all of the bags is shown to the right.
You may have also noted that we've minimized the names on the bags and instead are making the numbers bigger. We made this decision for safety reasons. You can opt to not have a name on the bag at all if that's your preference.
Check Back Later...
We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.